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Internet and Technology Resources

Viruses and Virus Hoaxes

Scan for viruses.
Following are some links to Web pages of companies
dealing with virus protection.
William Downs cybercpa We've all seen the dire warnings included in forwarded emails. Before forwarding any of these dire-sounding warnings, please check to see if the warning is simply a dirty trick. Use one of the virus hoax listings.


Microsoft Windows XP and newer OSes includes a firewall. Also, your router may include a firmware firewall. But here are two software solutions, for those who are still interested.
Spyware Detection and Removal


Connection Tests
The "ShieldsUp" test at grc.com is a very popular test, which will tell you a lot about the security status of your Internet connection.

Test the speed of your DSL or cable connection at one of the speed test sites.


Domain Names and Web Hosting
Check for availability of a domain name, or find out who owns a particular domain name.